Progressive Jackpots
Welcome to Jackpotace.com your number one source for information on Casino Jackpots.Every casino is proud to announce the details of jackpots that have been won in their casino, they flash the amounts and show off pictures of winners but there is usually little informatin about how these jackpots work. This is where Jackpotace.com steps in. We've put together the most complete site on how each type of jackpot works, some record breaking jackpots that have been won and what games you can play to win some big money.
Normal Jackpots
Everyone knows about these jackpots but most people don't think of them as a jackpot, but as their winnings. The truth is anytime you win anything while playing a casino game you are winning a jackpot.Progressive Jackpots
These are the big jackpots, the ones that make all the headlines, the ones that people tell stories about and the ones that the casino advertise like no other.Progressive jackpots are huge and they are certainly something to celebrate when they are won. Have you ever wondered how those jackpots get so large? Let Jackpotace explain these jackpots to you.